Who we are:
We are a Christian organization and we believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to hear the message of the love of God, through Jesus Christ in his or her own context.
Sharing Jesus Christ in a creative
a meaningful way since 2004
JOY! does not begin at the events; it all begins with university students and adults who are willing to invest their time and resources in the lives of teenagers. Many of these young adult leaders were in JOY! during their own teenage years and know the importance of mentoring and discipling the next generation.
Whether it is a game night, a hang-out and pizza, or summer camp, what we do is to develop real connections, healthy fun, and a safe place for friendships.
Whether we are online or in-person, everything is an adventure!
Why adolescents?
The teenage years are a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, and in this phase of uncertainty and decisions, we come alongside young people as a ministry, to allow them to hear about God’s love in a way that they can understand and to walk alongside them as they begin to walk with Jesus Christ.